Q1) How one can submit a manuscript to IJVST for publishing?

Authors should submit their manuscript in electronic format directly through the IJVST website "Courier New" (ijvst.um.ac.ir) along with a letter to the editor signed by the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Please ensure that Email addresses are university/governmental addresses and full postal addresses are included on the title page of the manuscript.




Q2) Who can help if needed?

All queries relating to the submitted or to be submitted papers can be directed to the editorial office. Email:ijvst@um.ac.ir, Tel: +9851 38803742.



Q3) Is there any charge for publication in IJVST?

There is no charge to publish, process, and access the research articles in IJVST. The cost involved in the publication of articles in IJVST is covered by the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.



Q4) Is IJVST indexed in scientific databases and search engines?

IJVST is currently indexed in well-known scientific databases such as Scopus, DOAJ, CABI,  ISC, ISI Master Journal List, Google Scholar, Ulrich, Academia and so on.




Q5) Is IJVST available in printed form?

No, IJVST isn't available in printed form. 



Q6) What is an Open Access publication?

Open access publications are freely and permanently available on the website of IJVST.



Q7) What if the paper does not follow the journal’s format?

Authors are required to adhere to the journal’s format described in the Guide for Authors. 



Q8) How often does the journal get published?

IJVST is published Quarterly.