Perineal Urethrostomy in A Cat Following Prepuce and Perineal Region Injury

Document Type : Research Articles


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


A 2- year- old male, intact domestic short hair cat was referred to the Veterinary Clinic of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with a history of inappetence, vomiting, dysuria,stranguria, depression and continuous urine leakage from the skin injury in perineal region. After physical examinations, temperature, pulse and capillary refill time (CRT) were decreased and pale mucosal membranes and dehydration were observed. Palpation of the abdominal region was painful and kidneys were enlarged.Penis was not present in its normal anatomical position.
In biochemical analysis, significant rise in BUN (urea nitrogen) and creatinin were noticed.In abdominal radiographs and ultrasonography evaluations distention of the urinary bladder and blockage in urinary tract were identified. According to these results presence of an obstruction was confirmed in the penile urethra, and consequently, perineal urethrostomy (PU) was performed for correction of obstruction and renewed urine outflow. Normal urination established in our patient after PU surgery and common postsurgery complications did not occurred.


Main Subjects

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