
Document Type : Erratum


Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology publishes corrections when they are of significance to patient care, scientific data or record-keeping, or authorship, whether that error was made by an author, editor, or staff during processing of the article. Errata also appear in the online version and are attached to files downloaded from (More information on:

In the article entitled “Therapeutic Effects of ADU-S100 as STING Agonist and CpG ODN1826 as TLR9 Agonist in CT-26 Model of Colon Carcinoma” by Sare Hajiabadi; Soodeh Alidadi; Mohammad Mehdi Ghahramani Senoo; Zohreh Montakhab Farahi; Hamid Reza Farzin; Alireza Haghparast, which had appeared in Vol.15. No.2, 2023/ doi:10.22067/ijvst.2023.80505.1223, there was an error on page 36. Specifically, in the acknowledgement section, the sentence that had been read “Financial support was also received from the Iranian Biotechnology Initiative Council” should have been read “Financial support was also received from Iran National Science Foundation (INSF)”.

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